Hygiene and Food Standards
We take hygiene and food standards very seriously. As a SALSA accredited kitchen we have processes, procedures, and training in place to ensure that we operate to the highest levels of food safety. Of course, at present, compliance to Covid restrictions is central to how we operate.
Below is summary of what we do to keep our customers, and their customers, safe:
SALSA Accreditation
We are one of only a few SALSA accredited kitchens supplying independent food outlets in London. You can see our current certificate here.
The SALSA standard was written by experienced food safety experts to reflect both the legal requirements of producers and the enhanced expectations of 'best practice' of professional food buyers. Approval certification is only granted to suppliers who are able to demonstrate to a SALSA auditor that they are able to produce safe and legal food and are committed to continually meeting the requirements of the SALSA standard.
EU Accreditation
These rules in place since 2006 innovate in making a single, transparent hygiene policy applicable to all food and all food operators right through the food chain ("from farm to fork"), together with effective instruments to manage food safety and any future food crises throughout the food chain.
Local Authority Inspections
Our local authority carry out regular inspections of our kitchens to ensure we comply with all statutory requirements. This provides an independent verification of our compliance with all regulations and industry best practice.
Regular Testing
Microbiological testing of all cooked food and water sources is conducted monthly by Intertek, as required to maintain both EU and SALSA accreditations.
Food Safety Consultants
We work closely with our food safety consultants saferfood.co.uk on health and hygiene best practice and premises cleaning routines.
Accredited Source
We only buy from accredited sources so that we can have an audit trail for all of our products.
Open Book Operation
All of our customers are invited to inspect our kitchens and discuss our operating procedures at any time.